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Yenisseian etymology :

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Proto-Yenisseian: *pǝń-
Meaning: small
Ket: hъna6 (Werner 1, 337: hʌ́ńa)
Yug: fъńńa6
Pumpokol: fɨnem (Срсл., Кл.) [Yug ?]
Comments: ССЕ 248. Werner 1, 337 *phǝn'a.
Proto-Yenisseian: *pǝnVŋ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: sand; ashes
Ket: hʌnǝŋ5 'sand'
Yug: fʌnɨŋ5 'sand'
Kottish: fenaŋ, phenaŋ, *finaŋ, funaŋ, pl. fenaŋan "ashes"
Arin: finńaŋ (Ф.), fińaŋ (Ф., Срсл.), phińaŋ (М., Сл., Кл.) 'sand'
Pumpokol: pínniŋ (Сл., Срсл., Кл.) 'sand'
Comments: ССЕ 248. Pump. (Срсл., Кл.) fenɨg 'sand' is in reality Yug. Werner 1, 337-338 *phǝnǝŋ.
Proto-Yenisseian: *pǝ̄q-
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thin rods of birdcherry tree for sewing together pieces of birch bark (сарга)
Ket: hʌʁ4 (South.), North. hʌ:ʁǝ4; pl. hʌqŋ5
Yug: fʌ:hx, pl. fʌqŋ5
Comments: ССЕ 248. Werner 1, 341 <*phǝʔǝqǝ>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *pi
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: berry (of birdcherry)
Yug: fi
Kottish: fi, *phi, pl. figan, figaŋ "Traubenkirsche (Prunus Padui)"
Arin: ṕa (Лоск.)
Comments: ССЕ 248. Werner 1, 320 *phi. Not quite clear is the relationship of Kott. fagé, phage, g. fagei//fagā, pl. fakŋ "Traubenkirsche", (Бол.) pak-šulpi "birdcherry", Ass. pak-šúlbi "strawberry" (Werner 1, 275 *phagǝ) - is it a separate root or a compound *pi + *xaʔq 'tree'?
Proto-Yenisseian: *piʔn
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: scoop
Ket: hiʔn, pl. hīneŋ
Yug: fiʔn, pl. finɨŋ
Comments: ССЕ 248. Werner 1, 320 <*pheʔn / *phiʔn>. The same root may be observed in the compound *ʔeχV-piʔn > Ket ēɣiń́1 / eɣiń6 / ɛɣǝn5, Yug ejfɨn1 "ladle, bailer", lit. "iron scoop".
Proto-Yenisseian: *piʔp
Meaning: spreader for skin drying
Ket: hiʔp, pl. hi:ŋ3
Yug: fiʔp (Werner 2, 320)
Comments: Werner 2, 320 *phiʔp.
Proto-Yenisseian: *pi(ʔ)r1-
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: sweet
Ket: hiĺaŋ5 / hīĺaŋ1; cf. South. hīĺ "sweet mass under the birch bark" (Werner 1, 320 hīĺ / hiʔĺ)
Yug: fɔraŋ5; cf. fiʔr "sweet mass under the birch bark"
Kottish: falaŋ, phalaŋ; cf. fil, pl. filaŋ "tree sap"; (Бол.) palanga "sweetly"
Arin: kulun-pala (Лоск.) "sweetly"
Comments: ССЕ 249. Let us note a rare and probably archaic alternation of vowels in this nominal root (Yug fiʔr : fɔraŋ = Kott. fil : falaŋ < PY *pi(ʔ)r1 : *pɔ(ʔ)raŋ). Werner 1, 312, 320 <*phǝʎaŋ, *phiʎ>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *piʔt
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: glue
Ket: hiʔt
Yug: fiʔt
Kottish: fīt ōginaŋ "to glue"
Comments: ССЕ 249. Werner 1, 320 *phiʔt.
Proto-Yenisseian: *pi(ʔ)taq ( ~ -χ)
Meaning: to be cranky, naughty
Ket: hítaq
Yug: fítaχ
Comments: Werner 1, 317 (w.r.).
Proto-Yenisseian: *piGV- (~-ʔ-)
Meaning: to stick into (pegs)
Ket: hij (КРС), hij, North. hi:j4 / hi:je4 (Werner 1, 314)
Yug: fi:j3
Comments: ССЕ 249. Werner 1, 314-315 *phiʔǝj.
Proto-Yenisseian: *pi(ŋ)kaʒ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: jaw
Ket: hiɣat6
Yug: figači5, pl. figačaŋ (Werner 1, 319 also has fi'at, fi'adɨŋ)
Arin: piŋáiŋ (М., Сл., Кл.) "lip", (Лоск.) pɨnej "lips"
Pumpokol: pinét (Сл.) "chin", (Сл., Срсл.) "cheeks"
Comments: ССЕ 249-250. The stem contains a usual body part suffix -aʒ; the Yug form figači, as proposed by Werner, reflects a different compound, with Yug čɨʔ 'head'. Werner unites all the forms presented under *binč- and *pi(ŋ)ka-ʒ under a reconstruction *phigǝ / *phin, saying (literally): "in *phin läßt sich eine alte Pluralform von *phig vermuten; kot., ass. pun- läßt auch PJ *phɨn- vermuten; ar-. -džal, kot., ass. -džol, -čol läßt sich mit kot. šal 'Schneide' vergleichen". The whole of this explanation appears utterly improbable.
Proto-Yenisseian: *pis
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: tail (of birds) (Werner 1, 320 also "Rockzipfel")
Ket: hīś, pl.: Kur. ha:śi4, Bak., Sur. ha:śǝ4 / haśǝ4, South. haś4
Yug: fis, pl. fa:hs
Kottish: pis (Бол.) "tail"
Comments: ССЕ 249. Werner 1, 320 *phis.
Proto-Yenisseian: *pis
Meaning: still, so far
Ket: hiś
Yug: fis
Comments: Werner 1, 316 *phis.
Proto-Yenisseian: *pitVm-
Meaning: low (meadow, shore etc.)
Ket: hītim1
Yug: fitim1
Pumpokol: fídam-du (Сл., Срсл., Кл.) "low"
Comments: ССЕ 249. Pump. fɨtmer (Срсл., Кл.) may be in reality Yug (unlike fídam-du with a typical Pumpokol shape). Werner 1, 318 *phithǝm.
Proto-Yenisseian: *pixe
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: man
Ket: hīɣ (South.), North. hīɣǝ1, pl. hɔʔń2 / hīɣeń1
Yug: fīk, pl. figɨn1
Kottish: fī, g. fīa, pl. fan; Ass. (Бол.) pijal
Arin: pa-nalikip (Лоск.)
Comments: ССЕ 249. Arin has a compound; -kip = -kib in be-kib 'grandfather'; in -nali- -n- is a conjunctive morpheme, and for -ali- cf. -elä in kem-elä 'woman' and -al in Ass. pij-al 'man'. Werner 1, 320 <*phigǝ>.
Proto-Yenisseian: *pɨ-
Meaning: below; from a different side, from the back
Ket: hɨ̄tĺ 'below'; hɨta6, North. hɨte6 'down(stairs)'
Yug: fɨ̄ĺ 'below'; fɨčéj down(stairs)'
Kottish: fulit, phulit "from a different side, from behind"
Comments: ССЕ 250. Werner 1, 345 *phɨ-t'- / *phɨ-l-.
Proto-Yenisseian: *pɨʔɨĺ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: intestine(s)
Ket: hɨ̄ĺ // hɨ:ĺ, pl. hɨ̄ĺǝŋ1
Yug: fɨ:ĺ, pl. fɨ̄ĺiŋ1 / fɨ:ĺiŋ3
Arin: ṕhorga (М., Сл., Срсл., Кл.) "belly (брюхо)"; aperga (Лоск.) id.
Comments: ССЕ 250. For the development *-ʔ(V)ĺ > Ar. -rg- see also PY *bVʔĺ. Hardly justified is Helimski's (КС 248) idea about the Arin form being borrowed from Selk. pɛrqɨ 'belly'. Werner 1, 349 <*phɨgǝl / *phɨlǝ>. Cf. also Ket hʌ́ĺa 'belly, external side of belly' (Werner 1, 334); Kott. pogal- in pogal-thīn 'navel' (see *tɨr).
Proto-Yenisseian: *pɨʔŋ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: tumour
Ket: hɨʔŋ; (Werner 1, 348) hɨʔŋ 'to swell'
Yug: fɨʔŋ, pl. fɨŋɨn5; fɨŋej5 'to swell'
Comments: ССЕ 250. Крейнович 1968 (p. 45) relates here also Ket. hɨ̄ń 'wart'; however, according to Helimski (КС 246), the latter is borrowed from Selk. pǝn / pɨ̄nɨ- 'wart'. Werner, 1, 348, 349 (without reconstructions).
Proto-Yenisseian: *pɨĺ-
Meaning: to chew, bite
Ket: hɨĺdaŋ5
Yug: fɨĺd́aŋ5 (cf. also fɨlɨŋ-bet́5 "to crumb, mince")
Comments: ССЕ 250. Werner 1, 343-344 *phɨl-.
Proto-Yenisseian: *pɨ̄(j)-
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: bent, hooked, oblique
Ket: hɨ:śi4; Bak., Sur. hɨ:śǝ4 / hɨśǝ4; South. hɨś4
Yug: fɨ:hs
Kottish: fiafui, phiafui "schief, Schiefe"
Comments: ССЕ 250. The comparison is possible if Ket -ś(i) is an original attributive suffix. The element -fui in Kottish is perhaps identifiable with the root of the verb fui 'to wind' (see *pVʔV). Werner 1, 345 <*phɨʔǝsǝ / *phɨʔ->.
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